Whole Language Umbrella (WLU) provides a network for individuals and support groups to come together to discuss issues related to whole language theory, research, and pedagogy. Membership is open to any individual or group interested in Whole Language.
WLU is a conference of the National Council of Teachers of English, and individual membership in WLU requires joining NCTE. Members elect the WLU Executive Board as well as the NCTE Executive Commitee. Responding to the expressed concerns of the membership, the elected representatives develop a working agenda that supports WLU/NCTE activities.
We invite you to take advantage of the synergy between these two organizations and join an important network of teachers helping teachers.
Individual Membership
What are the unique advantages for individual members?- Membership within the National Council of Teachers of English
(membership in NCTE is a prerequisite to membership in the Whole Language Umbrella) - An online subscription to the WLU journal, Talking Points, a forum for parents, classroom teachers, and researchers to reflect about literacy and learning. Published electronically in October and May
- Access to and discounts on WLU/NCTE books, journals, and meetings
- Voting rights in NCTE and at the Delegates Assembly meeting during the WLU Literacies for All Summer Institute
- Discounted registration fee to attend the WLU Literacies for All Summer Institute and the NCTE Annual Convention
- Opportunities to join WLU/NCTE communities and listservs
- Access to a variety of professional development activities
Individual WLU/NCTE membership is $70.00 per year (WLU membership only is $30.00 per year if already an NCTE member)
- BY MAIL: Print out the WLU/NCTE Membership Form
(PDF) and mail to NCTE
- BY PHONE: Call NCTE toll-free at 877-369-6283
Group Membership
TAWL Groups (Teachers Applying Whole Language) provide individual members, usually from the same geographical area, a local network for their interest in whole language.
What are the unique advantages for TAWL group members?
- An online subscription to the WLU journal, Talking Points
(one subscription per group through the group's contact person) - Voting privileges at the Delegates Assembly meeting at the WLU Literacies for All Summer Institute (each TAWL group member, as evidenced by the membership roster of a current TAWL group, is entitled to one vote)
- Ability to obtain tax-exempt status for the group through the NCTE Group Exemption Letter
- Use of the WLU logo on TAWL publications and Conference materials
- Invitation to attend the WLU Executive Board meetings at the WLU Literacies for All Summer Institute and at the NCTE Annual Convention
- Opportunities to join WLU/NCTE communities and listservs
- Access to a variety of professional development activities
A minimum of five members is required to form a TAWL group. One member, usually the group contact person, must be an individual member of WLU/NCTE. TAWL Group membership in WLU is $25.00 per group.
- BY MAIL: Print out the TAWL Group Enrollment Form
(PDF) and mail to NCTE
- BY PHONE: Contact Debbie Zagorski at 800-369-6283 ext. 3612.
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